Media Downloads:

standard logo: 3835 x 3057px

The Big Savannah Toy Drive

black knockout logo: 3835 x 3057px

The Big Savannah Toy Drive

white knockout logo: 3835 x 3057px

The Big Savannah Toy Drive

Social Media Graphic

The Big Savannah Toy Drive

Facebook Page Cover

The Big Savannah Toy Drive

Facebook / Instagram Story

About Coastal Children’s Advocacy Center (CCAC)

CCAC is a private nonprofit agency that provides a safe, confidential child-friendly site for free investigative and therapeutic services to victims of abuse. CCAC’s mission is to unite public, private, and community resources to provide each child who has suffered abuse with justice, hope, and healing.

Thank you to our generous event sponsors for helping to make the holiday season merrier and brighter:

The Eichholz Law Firm

Finale Event Sponsor

Good Cause Marketing & Public Relations

Marketing & PR Sponsor

Website Sponsor

Photography Sponsor